Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ad Design BP Oil spill research


birds are dying off the gulf coast due to the environmental disaster of the BP Oil spill. Here is some of my research relating to the topic.

Ad 1, assignment 1
Topic: health affects on birds due to BP oil spill
Word list, definitions and synonyms
1. Health- (n) the general physical condition of the body or mind, especially in terms of the presence or absence of illnesses, injuries, or impairments.
(Physical condition, fitness, wellbeing, healthiness, strength, vigor, shape)

2. Injured- (transitive verb) to cause physical damage to a person, animal, or body part.
(Upset, hurt, offended, wounded, indignant, wronged, ill-treated)

3. Sick- (adjective) affected by an illness.
(Ill, unwell, pale, under par, bad, under the weather, ailing)

4. Restore- (transitive verb) to bring something backs to an earlier and better condition.
(Reinstate, re-establish, bring back, and return)

5. Freedom- (noun) a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints of restrictions. Release or rescue from being physically bound, or from being confined, enslaved, captured or imprisoned.
(Liberty, autonomy, self-determermination, independence, choice, free will, sovereignty)

6. Life- (noun) the quality that makes living animals and plants different from dead organisms and inorganic matter. Its functions include the ability to take in food, adapt to the environment, grow, and reproduce.
(Existence, being time, living)

7. Bird (noun) a two-legged, warm-blooded animal with wings, a beak, and a body covered with feathers. Birds lay eggs from which their young hatch, and most species can fly.

8.  Water- (noun) the clear colorless liquid, odorless and tasteless when pure, that occurs as rain, snow, and ice, forms rivers, lakes, and seas, and is naturally essential for life. Naturally occurring water picks ups up color and taste from substances in its environment.
(Irrigate, wet, dampen)

9. Home- native habitat-the place where an animal is most common or indigenous. A place where a person or animal can find refuge and safety or live in security.

(House, residence, swelling. Abode, habitat, quarter’s domicile)
10. Oil – (noun) a liquid fat, obtained from plant seeds, animal fats, mineral deposits and other sources, that does not dissolve in water and will burn. Oils are used for a wide variety of purposes, most commonly as lubricants and fuels and in cooking.
        Petroleum- the crude product that is distilled and refined to produce industrial oils and oil based products.
(Lubricate, grease)

11. Fly- (verb) to travel through the air using winds or an engine
(Soar, wing, take wing, take off, and flutter)

12. Habitat- (noun) ecology the natural conditions and environment in which a plant or animal lives.
(Home, local, surroundings, territory)

14. Suffering- (noun) a physical or psychological pain and distress
(Pain, anguish, distress, misery, agony, torment, affliction)

15. Revival- (noun) the process of bringing somebody back to life, consciousness, or full strength.
(Revitalization, renewal, restoration, reinforcement, recovery, resumption, resurgence)

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